Health & Wellness


Shrimp contains anti-inflammatory, cancer preventative, and anti-aging properties. The health benefits of

shrimp also include improved bone and brain function, weight management, and lowered risk of

cardiovascular disease. The consumption of shrimp aids in treating age-related macular degeneration.

Believe it or not, shrimp has been known to relieve eye fatigue and menstrual pain! Shrimp is a high-benefit

option for increasing your overall health. One pound of shrimp has 481 calories and 92 grams of protein.

12 Proven Health Benefits of Shrimp 

reduces caloric load  ◊  promotes a cleaner composition  ◊  regulates cholesterol levels

natural diuretic  ◊  promotes a balanced blood sugar  ◊  keeps your muscles strong

keeps your bones healthy  ◊  gives you more vitality  ◊  prevents heart disease

reduces the risk of getting cancer  ◊  gives you longer, stronger hair  ◊  reduces blood pressure


Vitamins & Minerals

found in shrimp


Potassium  helps heart function and rhythm, treats heart disorders

Iron  necessary for the transport of oxygen via the hemoglobin in red blood cells

Sodium  helps maintain a proper balance of water and body fluids

Phosphorous  binds with calcium to form healthy bones and teeth

Zinc  helps promote anti-viral activity and fights infections

Magnesium  helps lower risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease and stroke

Iodine  essential for proper functioning of the thyroid gland

Selenium  strengthens the immune system

Vitamin D  helps the body absorb calcium

Vitamin B12  important for metabolism and maintains the central nervous system

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)  helps maintain healthy skin and nerves, has cholesterol-lowering effects at higher doses

Vitamin A  helps form and maintain teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin

Vitamin E  helps the body form red blood cells

Vitamin B6  maintains brain function

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)  helps the body cells break down carbohydrates into energy

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)  important for body growth

Vitamin C  helps decrease bad cholesterol and triglycerides

 essential fatty acids